Flag Day Ceremony

American Legion Post 295 proudly celebrated Flag Day with a heartfelt ceremonydedicated to honoring our nation’s flag. Members and their families gathered on a sunnyafternoon, reflecting the strong sense of community and patriotism that binds us. Theevent featured a solemn flag retirement ceremony, symbolically burning worn-out flagsto properly retire them with dignity and respect. The … Read more

Induction of Post Officers

American Legion Post 295 held its induction ceremony for the new slate of officersfor the 2023-2024 term. The ceremony Past District 16 Commander and IncomingDepartment Vice Commander, Mark Stein. Members stood in formation, raising their righthands as they took the solemn oath, committing themselves to serve with dedication andhonor.This induction marks the beginning of another … Read more

Memorial Day Pasta Feed 2023

Memorial Day is a time when we come together as a community to honor and remember the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the military. Middleburg American Legion Post 195 and Haymarket American Legion Post 1799 commemorated the day by organizing a special Pasta Feed as a show of … Read more

Poppy Drive 2023

In honor of Remembrance Day and Memorial Day weekend, members of American Legion Post 295 took to the streets, distributing Poppies in front of Middleburg Safeway and Giant in Aldie. This heartfelt gesture aimed to commemorate the sacrifices of fallen servicemen and women and support veterans and their families. Throughout the weekend, volunteers dedicated their … Read more

Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area Association: History of the Virginia National Guard

Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area Association (VPHAA), in partnership with American Legion Post 295, proudly hosted an extraordinary event on May 25th, 2023. Attendees had the privilege of joining Army National Guard Historian Aaron Heft as he delved into the captivating experiences of Virginian National Guardsmen from the esteemed 29th Division. This insightful journey took us … Read more

District 16: Spring Conference

At the annual spring conference of District 16, American Legion members convened to discuss and plan ongoing activities aligned with the organization’s mission. The conference provided a platform for members to come together, share insights, and collaborate on initiatives that support veterans and their communities. One of the notable highlights of the conference was the … Read more

Boys / Girls State Interviews

American Legion Boys and Girls State programs are a fantastic opportunity for young people to learn about civic engagement and leadership. To select the most qualified candidates for these programs, the American Legion Post 295 conducted interviews with high school students from several local schools. Both programs will be conducted from Sunday June 18 to Saturday … Read more

Annual Pig Roast

American Legion Post 295 recently held its first annual Pig Roast on Saturday, March 18th, 2023. The event was a huge success, with Legionnaires from nearby Ashburn, Haymarket, and Purcellville Posts in attendance. The event was held as an opportunity for Legionnaires to come together and socialize over delicious food and drinks. The star of … Read more

Town of Middleburg: Grant Writing Workshop

American Legion Post 295 recently hosted the town of Middleburg’s quarterly grant writing workshop led by the Director of Business Development and Community Partnerships of Middleburg, Ali MacIntyre. This workshop is designed to help non-profits of Middleburg learn about and apply for local grants and better understand the grant writing process. The workshop was attended … Read more

Four Chaplains Ceremony 2023

FOUR CHAPLAINS SUNDAY   The first Sunday in February is Four Chaplains Sunday. More than 79 years after they made the supreme sacrifice, the story of these heroic chaplains – Methodist, Jewish, Roman Catholic and Dutch Reformed – is still being told. The American Legion encourages its post, district and department chaplains to conduct or participate … Read more