Governor Youngkin’s Visit to Post 295

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin visited American Legion Post 295 as part of hisSpirit of Virginia Campaign to encourage voter participation. The Governor engaged withmembers of the Post, discussing important issues and highlighting the significance ofactive civic engagement. His visit underscored the Post’s role as a vital hub for communityand political discourse, reinforcing the importance of … Read more


Middleburg American Legion Hall hosted the 11th Annual Middleburg HometownOktoberfest. Co-organized by the Middleburg American Legion, Royal British Legion, andMiddleburg Lions Club, this beloved community event was an evening filled with music,delicious German-inspired food, and authentic beer. Attendees enjoyed live performancesby Lost Lederhosen, participated in traditional games such as Stein Holding contests andLog Cutting, and … Read more

District 16 Fall Conference

American Legion Post 72 hosted the 16th District Fall Conference, beginning withan invocation by District Chaplain Mark Grapin and including a POW/MIA service, Pledgeof Allegiance, and welcoming remarks. The conference featured reports from variousdistrict committees on finance, membership, Americanism, athletics, and youth programs,among others. Notable participants included Auxiliary District 16 President Paula Mullins.Discussions addressed both … Read more

Mickie Gordon Community Workshop

The second community input meeting from Loudoun County Parks and Recreationwas held at the American Legion in Middleburg. This meeting followed the same formatas the one on August 31st, featuring table sessions with facilitators to gather communityinput on the future vision for Mickie Gordon Park. The event aimed to hear fromcommunity members who were unable … Read more

1000 Miglia Warm Up Volunteer Training Event

American Legion Post 295 proudly hosted the volunteer training event for the 1000Miglia Warm Up USA, marking its third consecutive year in Middleburg. This prestigiousevent, is set to take place from October 22 to 27, 2023.The competition will feature two types of crews: Veteran, where at least one driver hasparticipated in at least two 1000 … Read more

Middleburg’s Third Annual Oktoberfest

Community members gathered for Middleburg’s third annual Oktoberfest, acelebration filled with fun, food, and festivities. The event featured two biergartensoffering a selection of Oktoberfest beer from Old Ox Brewery and Lost Barrel Brewing, aswell as wine from Greenhill Vineyards, Cana Vineyards, 50 West Vineyards, and BoxwoodWinery, and cider from Mt. Defiance Cidery and Distillery.Attendees enjoyed … Read more

Middleburg American Legion Hosts First Little River Debate

On September 13, 2023, the Middleburg American Legion hosted the inauguraldebate for the new Little River District’s Board of Supervisors race. The debate, organizedby the Coalition of Loudoun Towns in collaboration with Loudoun Now and the LoudounTimes-Mirror, featured Democrat Laura TeKrony and Republican Ram Venkatachalam. Thecandidates discussed a range of issues relevant to the district, … Read more

Community Meeting on the Future of Mickie Gordon Memorial Park

Nearly 150 residents gathered at the Middleburg Community Center to discuss thefuture of Mickie Gordon Memorial Park. This 99-acre park, historically significant for itscommunity baseball leagues, including those formed by Black communities duringsegregation, faced potential changes due to a county proposal to convert it into a cricketcomplex. The proposal sparked strong opposition, with neighbors worried … Read more

Joint Veterans Services: Summer Ball

In a beautiful setting on Persimmon Tree Farm in Middleburg, Virginia, on Saturdayevening, August 26, 2023, the Allied Veterans Heritage Foundation, led by LegionnaireSteven Carney of the Middleburg American Legion Post 295, hosted the Royal BritishLegion and Post 295. This commemorative event aimed to officially recognize the bondcreated between these two esteemed organizations.This inaugural action … Read more

Polo in the Burg at Kingland Farm

On August 13, 2023, American Legion Post 295 participated in the weekend “Poloin the Burg” event, which coincided with Commander Nickelson’s birthday. This vibrantand exciting event was a wonderful opportunity for community engagement andcelebration.Commander Nickelson had the honor of representing the Middleburg American Legionby passing out the Winner’s Trophy and the Most Valuable Player (MVP) … Read more