Middleburg Christmas Parade 2022

American Legion Post 295 was thrilled to participate once again in the annual Middleburg Christmas Parade in 2022. As in previous years, the Post served as a staging area for parade participants, as well as having our own float in the parade.

The float was a festive display of American flags, patriotic decorations, and holiday lights. It featured members of the Post, including our honored World War II Veteran Franklin Payne, in our lead vehicle, driven by current Post Commander Gary Nickelson.

As the float made its way through the parade route, Post members were greeted with cheers from the parade goers, thanking them for their service. Legionnaires waved American Flags and sang Christmas carols. It was heartening to see the community come together in celebration, and we were proud to be a part of it.

In opening our doors to the community and providing refreshments, hot chocolate, hot dogs, and snacks, American Legion Post 295 was able to spread some holiday cheer and demonstrate our commitment to serving the community. We believe that events like the Middleburg Christmas Parade are an important part of community-building and provide an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate the season.

We were honored to have the opportunity to participate in the parade and look forward to continuing to serve the community in the years to come.