Evolution of Warfare: An Evening with General David Petraeus and Michael Morell

Middleburg American Legion hosted a captivating discussion on the evolution of
warfare, featuring General David Petraeus and former CIA Director Michael Morell. The
event began with a cocktail hour at 5:30 PM, followed by a book signing by General

The discussion, centered on General Petraeus’s latest book, “Conflict: The Evolution of
Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine,” explored over 70 years of conflict. Topics ranged from
strategic approaches in past wars to current conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, and the
complexities of funding military operations. The speakers provided insightful analysis on
how military leaders often repeat critical mistakes by not adapting strategies from
previous wars. The event, presented by Middleburg Books and co-hosted by the Royal
British Legion DC Chapter and the Allied Veterans Heritage Foundation, offered attendees
a profound understanding of the continuous evolution of warfare and the importance of
learning from historical conflicts.