2023 – 2024 Post History Book

American Legion Post 295 is a veteran service organization that has been providing support to Middleburg Veterans, their survivors, and families for 77 years and was recognized in 2021 as the Top Veteran Service Organization in the Department Category II of Virginia. The organization’s primary focus is to provide a social gathering place for veterans … Read more

Memorial Day Remembrance

In conjunction with the Royal British Legion East Coast Chapter, American Legion Post 295held a joint remembrance ceremony led by Post Chaplain Mike Husfelt. The ceremonytook place at 11:00 AM at the site of the proposed Memorial Garden Cenotaph. Thesolemn event honored the memory of fallen soldiers and highlighted the enduring bondbetween American and British … Read more

Four Chaplains Ceremony 2024

The first Sunday in February is Four Chaplains Sunday. More than 79 years afterthey made the supreme sacrifice, the story of these heroic chaplains – Methodist, Jewish,Roman Catholic and Dutch Reformed – is still being told. The American Legion encouragesits post, district and department chaplains to conduct or participate in anondenominational service to honor the … Read more

Evolution of Warfare: An Evening with General David Petraeus and Michael Morell

Middleburg American Legion hosted a captivating discussion on the evolution ofwarfare, featuring General David Petraeus and former CIA Director Michael Morell. Theevent began with a cocktail hour at 5:30 PM, followed by a book signing by GeneralPetraeus. The discussion, centered on General Petraeus’s latest book, “Conflict: The Evolution ofWarfare from 1945 to Ukraine,” explored over … Read more

Veterans Day Ceremony: Hometown Heroes Banner Program Unveiling

Following breakfast, we convened in front of the Post Office to unveil the MiddleburgHometown Heroes Banner Program. This initiative, spearheaded by Middleburg AmericanLegion Post 295 and made possible through the efforts of Mayor Bridge Littleton, theTown Council, Town Staff Danny Davis and Will Moore, and Mr. Print of Middleburg, aimsto honor past and present Veterans … Read more

Veteran’s Day Breakfast: Hosted by Troop 2950

Veteran’s day began with a heartfelt breakfast prepared by Boy Scout Troop 2950for our Veterans. This breakfast was a gesture of gratitude not only for their service butalso for their enduring support of the troop. The scouts’ dedication and effort in preparingthe meal made the morning special for all attendees.

Visit to Past Commander and WWII Veteran Franklin Payne

American Legion Post 295 members recently paid a heartfelt visit to pastcommander and World War II veteran Franklin Payne. This visit was a testament to theenduring camaraderie and respect within our veteran community.Franklin Payne, a revered member of Post 295 who served as both Commander andAdjutant, has a storied legacy of service both to his … Read more

Flag Day Ceremony

American Legion Post 295 proudly celebrated Flag Day with a heartfelt ceremonydedicated to honoring our nation’s flag. Members and their families gathered on a sunnyafternoon, reflecting the strong sense of community and patriotism that binds us. Theevent featured a solemn flag retirement ceremony, symbolically burning worn-out flagsto properly retire them with dignity and respect. The … Read more