Troop 2950 December Court of Honor

On December 18, 2023, Troop 2950 held a Court of Honor at American Legion Post 295. The ceremony was led by troop members and celebrated the achievements of Boy Scouts as they progressed on their journey towards becoming Eagle Scouts. Scouts wererecognized for their hard work, dedication, and accomplishments, highlighting the valuesof leadership, service, and … Read more

Christmas Awards Dinner

The annual Christmas party held on December 9, 2023, at American Legion Post295 was a memorable event filled with festive cheer. The festivities began with an excitingviewing of the Army-Navy football game, which ended in a 17-11 victory for the Army.This spirited game set a lively tone for the evening’s celebrations. Legionnaire AnnieLansing tended the … Read more

Post 295 Oratorical Contest

Middleburg American Legion Post 295 hosted its annual Oratorical Contest. Thisevent provided an opportunity for high school students to showcase their public speakingskills and knowledge of the U.S. Constitution. The contest aims to foster a deeperunderstanding and appreciation of the Constitution among high school students whileenhancing their oratory abilities. Helena Hosseini, a sophomore from Freedom … Read more

2023 Veteran’s Day Celebration

We had a great turnout for Veteran’s Day in Middleburg. First, Boy Scout Troop 2950 cooked a heartfelt breakfast for our Veterans, expressing gratitude not only for their service but also for their enduring support of the troop. Following breakfast, we convened in front of the Post Office to unveil our Middleburg Hometown Heroes Banner … Read more

Governor Youngkin’s Visit to Post 295

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin visited American Legion Post 295 as part of hisSpirit of Virginia Campaign to encourage voter participation. The Governor engaged withmembers of the Post, discussing important issues and highlighting the significance ofactive civic engagement. His visit underscored the Post’s role as a vital hub for communityand political discourse, reinforcing the importance of … Read more

District 16 Fall Conference

American Legion Post 72 hosted the 16th District Fall Conference, beginning withan invocation by District Chaplain Mark Grapin and including a POW/MIA service, Pledgeof Allegiance, and welcoming remarks. The conference featured reports from variousdistrict committees on finance, membership, Americanism, athletics, and youth programs,among others. Notable participants included Auxiliary District 16 President Paula Mullins.Discussions addressed both … Read more

Middleburg American Legion Hosts First Little River Debate

On September 13, 2023, the Middleburg American Legion hosted the inauguraldebate for the new Little River District’s Board of Supervisors race. The debate, organizedby the Coalition of Loudoun Towns in collaboration with Loudoun Now and the LoudounTimes-Mirror, featured Democrat Laura TeKrony and Republican Ram Venkatachalam. Thecandidates discussed a range of issues relevant to the district, … Read more

Joint Veterans Services: Summer Ball

In a beautiful setting on Persimmon Tree Farm in Middleburg, Virginia, on Saturdayevening, August 26, 2023, the Allied Veterans Heritage Foundation, led by LegionnaireSteven Carney of the Middleburg American Legion Post 295, hosted the Royal BritishLegion and Post 295. This commemorative event aimed to officially recognize the bondcreated between these two esteemed organizations.This inaugural action … Read more

2023 American Legion Department of Virginia Convention

The 2023 American Legion Department of Virginia Convention was a remarkableevent for American Legion Post 295, showcasing our commitment to excellence andcommunity involvement. This year’s convention saw Sonnie Dickerson taking over asDepartment Commander, marking a new chapter in leadership. Awards and Achievements: Dan Daniel Award: Post 295 was honored with the prestigious Dan Daniel Award,for … Read more