Middleburg Independence Day Celebration

The small town of Middleburg came alive with patriotism, excitement, andcommunity spirit as the Middleburg American Legion Post 295 and the Middleburg LionsClub teamed up to host a memorable 4th of July celebration at the Middleburg CharterSchool. This festive event featured a delightful blend of live music, delectable hotdogsand hamburgers, and a mesmerizing fireworks display.The … Read more

Mickie Gordon Park Community Hearing

American Legion Post 295 hosted a critical community meeting concerning thefuture of Mickie Gordon Memorial Park. Over 200 concerned citizens packed Patriots Hall,highlighting the community’s strong interest in the park’s development plans.The meeting, led by Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services DirectorSteve Torpy, addressed the controversial proposal to convert Mickie Gordon MemorialPark into a … Read more

Middleburg’s Veteran’s Appreciation Picnic

After a week postponement due to poor air quality and the threat of rain on theoriginal date of June 9, 2023, American Legion Post 295 partnered with the MiddleburgCommunity Center, and Field of Athenry to host Middleburg’s Veterans AppreciationPicnic. This vibrant event, held at the Community Center’s pool and picnic grounds, was aheartwarming celebration of … Read more

Flag Day Ceremony

American Legion Post 295 proudly celebrated Flag Day with a heartfelt ceremonydedicated to honoring our nation’s flag. Members and their families gathered on a sunnyafternoon, reflecting the strong sense of community and patriotism that binds us. Theevent featured a solemn flag retirement ceremony, symbolically burning worn-out flagsto properly retire them with dignity and respect. The … Read more

Induction of Post Officers

American Legion Post 295 held its induction ceremony for the new slate of officersfor the 2023-2024 term. The ceremony Past District 16 Commander and IncomingDepartment Vice Commander, Mark Stein. Members stood in formation, raising their righthands as they took the solemn oath, committing themselves to serve with dedication andhonor.This induction marks the beginning of another … Read more