Middleburg Christmas Parade 2023

The streets of Middleburg were packed on Saturday for the town’s annual
Christmas parades. Community members from all over gathered to watch mounted
foxhunt riders and hounds from The Middleburg Hunt travel down Washington Street.
This was followed at 2 p.m. by the town’s regular parade, featuring marching bands,
vintage cars, Mayor Bridge Littleton and Town Council members, the American Legion,
and Santa in a horse-drawn carriage.
As in previous years, American Legion Post 295 served as a staging area for parade
participants and proudly had its own float in the parade. The float was a festive display
adorned with American flags, patriotic decorations, and holiday lights. It featured
members of the Post, including honored World War II Veteran Franklin Payne, in the lead
vehicle driven by current Post Commander Gary Nickelson.
As the float made its way through the parade route, Post members were greeted with
cheers from the parade goers, who thanked them for their service. Legionnaires waved
American flags and sang Christmas carols, spreading holiday cheer. Opening its doors to
the community, Post 295 provided refreshments, including hot chocolate, hot dogs, and
snacks, demonstrating their commitment to serving the community. Events like the
Middleburg Christmas Parade are an important part of community-building, bringing
people together to celebrate the season and fostering a sense of unity and joy