2023 American Legion Department of Virginia Convention

The 2023 American Legion Department of Virginia Convention was a remarkable
event for American Legion Post 295, showcasing our commitment to excellence and
community involvement. This year’s convention saw Sonnie Dickerson taking over as
Department Commander, marking a new chapter in leadership.

Awards and Achievements:

Dan Daniel Award: Post 295 was honored with the prestigious Dan Daniel Award,
for having over 110% membership growth

3rd Place Post History Book: Our dedication to preserving and documenting our
history earned us third place in the Post History Book category.

1st Place Team Trivia: Demonstrating our knowledge and teamwork, Post 295
won first place in the Team Trivia contest.

Post Commander Above and Beyond: Commander Nickelson received the Above
and Beyond Award for having membership growth exceeding 120% for the year.

Legionnaire of the Year: Legionnaire George “Ron” Embery received the
Dogwood Award for Post Legionnaire of the Year, an honor that highlights his dedication
and outstanding service to Post 295 over 30 years, serving multiple officer positions to
include Past Commander and current Adjutant.

The convention provided an opportunity for members to come together, celebrate our
achievements, and plan for the future. Our members’ dedication and hard work were
recognized and celebrated, reaffirming Post 295’s position as a leading veteran service
organization in Virginia.