2023 – 2024 Post History Book

American Legion Post 295 is a veteran service organization that has been providing support to Middleburg Veterans, their survivors, and families for 77 years and was recognized in 2021 as the Top Veteran Service Organization in the Department Category II of Virginia. The organization’s primary focus is to provide a social gathering place for veterans to share stories, make friendships, and support their community.

From July 2023 to July 2024, Middleburg American Legion Post 295 continued its success from the previous year with a second consecutive year of 120% membership growth, achieving 100% membership by December 2023. Our Boys State program remains exemplary, sending 7 outstanding boys to participate. Working with District 16 Auxiliary, we promoted Girls State and successfully sent 10 delegates. Our Boys and Girls State Awards Dinner, combined with our interview process, has set the standard for how these programs should be conducted at the Post level. Delegates return to share their accomplishments and experiences with members, peers, and family, often giving their first public speeches and thanking their sponsors for the opportunity.

Leveraging the success of our Boys and Girls State Program, we reintroduced the Post Oratorical Contest. Our winner, Helena Hosseini, advanced to the Department Contest and finished 2nd overall. Additionally, our Boy Scout Troop 2950 graduated 2 Eagle Scouts, making a total of 19 Eagle Scouts since 2010.

At the district level, Past Commander John Molière was promoted to District Vice Commander. Post 295 also hosted the District Spring Conference as well as the District Four Chaplains Ceremony.

Post 295 is actively engaged with the local community and plays a significant role in planning and executing town and county events. The Post proudly initiated Middleburg’s Hometown Heroes Banner Program, which honors local Veterans by displaying their banners on street lights along Route 50 during November. This year, the Post hosted numerous events, including planning and zoning meetings, local committee retreats, and community discussions such as the Loudoun County Parks and Recreation Community Meetings, Loudoun County Zoning Meetings, Little River District County Supervisor Debate, 1000 Miglia Warm-Up Training, and the Middleburg Sustainability Committee Retreat.

The Post welcomed several high-profile visitors, including Governor Glenn Youngkin, Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears, Former CIA Director General David Petraeus, Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell, Virginia State Senator Jill Vogel, Loudoun County Chair Phyllis Randall, Little River District Supervisors Tony Buffington (Past) and Laura Tekrony (Present), Middleburg Mayor Bridge Littleton, and Middleburg Town Council Members.

Our most significant endeavor this year, and in the years to come, is a historic partnership between American Legion Post 295 Middleburg, VA, the Royal British Legion Washington D.C. Branch, and the Allied Veterans Heritage Foundation. This collaboration aims to build, operate, and sustain an Allied War Memorial and Remembrance Garden on Post 295 property, strengthening the Anglo-American relationship that dates back over 150 years to the post-Civil War era. Through this unique initiative, the Allied Veterans Heritage Foundation has established the Royal British Legion’s Washington DC Branch, which will build its headquarters adjacent to Post 295. The forthcoming Anglo-American Military Memorial will honor all allies who have fought together in various wars. This effort will ensure the sustainment of these two great organizations for the next 75 years.

As a Veteran Service Organization, we support the Middleburg community through various programs, primarily focusing on Middleburg Veterans, their survivors, and their families. Our facility offers a low-cost venue for family gatherings, wedding receptions, anniversaries, birthdays, and repasts following burials. Patriots Hall is also available to the Town of Middleburg for larger presentations. We have partnered with the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and the Middleburg Business and Professional Association (Biz Buzz). The facility is also utilized by Boy Scout Troop 2950 for meetings, Canine Companions for winter service dog training, Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area, and Middleburg Lions.

American Legion Post 295 is an active member of the Loudoun County Veterans Enterprise (LCVE). The LCVE represents over 14 Loudoun-based Veterans Service Organizations and other non-profits, supporting over 25,000 Veterans and their families in Loudoun County. The program identifies Veterans and Veteran families in need of crisis assistance and coordinates efforts to provide support, including financial aid, automobile repairs, rent and lodging assistance, and medical issue support, including transportation to the VA Medical Center in Martinsburg. Post 295 directly contributed $4,000, assisting 40 Veterans this year.