2024 Boys and Girls State Awards Dinner

On September 11, 2024, American Legion Post 295 proudly hosted its annual Boys and Girls State Awards Dinner, a cherished tradition celebrating youth leadership and civic engagement. This year’s event honored outstanding students from Flint Hill, Fresta Valley Christian, Lightridge, Pope John Paul VI, Wakefield, and Freedom High Schools who participated in the Boys and … Read more

2023 – 2024 Post History Book

American Legion Post 295 is a veteran service organization that has been providing support to Middleburg Veterans, their survivors, and families for 77 years and was recognized in 2021 as the Top Veteran Service Organization in the Department Category II of Virginia. The organization’s primary focus is to provide a social gathering place for veterans … Read more

Boy Scouts Troop 2950: Court of Honor

Troop 2950 recently held their Court of Honor, celebrating the significantachievement of Scout Ryan Lynch, who graduated to the rank of Eagle Scout. Thismilestone marks a proud moment for Ryan and the entire troop.Looking ahead, the troop has plans to guide the remaining three Life Scouts to achievethe rank of Eagle Scout. Once these Scouts … Read more

Historical Review Board

Commander Nickelson presented the initial plans for building improvementsbefore Middleburg’s Historical Review Committee. The purpose of the presentation wasto start a dialogue with the town about the proposed improvements and address anypotential zoning issues.Overall, the committee was supportive of the plans and appreciated the direction of theoverall vision. They particularly liked the hardscaped patio, new … Read more

Memorial Day Remembrance

In conjunction with the Royal British Legion East Coast Chapter, American Legion Post 295held a joint remembrance ceremony led by Post Chaplain Mike Husfelt. The ceremonytook place at 11:00 AM at the site of the proposed Memorial Garden Cenotaph. Thesolemn event honored the memory of fallen soldiers and highlighted the enduring bondbetween American and British … Read more

Memorial Day Poppy Drive

Legionnaires held Poppy Drives at the Aldie Giant and the Middleburg FarmersMarket to honor Memorial Day and support veterans. The drives were joined by some ofthis year’s Boys State candidates, fostering a sense of community and service among theyoung participants.At the Aldie Giant, the drive took place on both Friday and Saturday, while the MiddleburgFarmers … Read more

Middleburg Veterans Appreciation Picnic

From 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM, the Middleburg Community Center hosted their annualVeterans Appreciation Picnic. The event saw a great turnout of local veterans whogathered to enjoy an evening of camaraderie and appreciation. Delicious food wasprovided by Fields of Athenry, beer was served from the Tip Tap truck, and music wasperformed by the Blue Ridge … Read more

District 16 Convention

On May 18, 2024, the District Convention was held at Post 28, located in Triangle,VA. The convention began at 10:00 AM, bringing together members from across thedistrict to discuss and celebrate their achievements. The district had surpassed 100% inmembership, a significant milestone that highlighted the dedication and hard work of allmembers. Commander Steve Blackstone expressed … Read more

Kentucky Derby

As is tradition, members of American Legion Post 295 in Middleburg, VA, gatheredto watch the highly anticipated 2024 Kentucky Derby on May 4, 2024. The event was filledwith excitement as attendees sipped on traditional Mint Juleps, a beloved drink associatedwith the iconic horse race. To add to the festive atmosphere, many participants donnedfancy hats, embracing … Read more

Middleburg Sustainability Committee: Spring Cleanup

Once again Middleburg residents gathered at Middleburg’s new Town Hall to theclean the town of trash, cigarette butts, and recyclables to get ready for spring. Sponsoredby the Go Green Committee, cleanup began at the Middleburg Town Hall and volunteerscleaned up Washington Street and surrounding side streets down to the Exxon station.The Salamander Resort and Spa … Read more